List of all Urdu Newspapers in India Free Online

List of Urdu newspapers in India

Indian Etemaad

Urdu newspaper published in Hyderabad, India.


Leading Urdu newspaper in India.


Urdu newspaper based in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.

Urdu Times (Mumbai)


Urdu daily newspaper published from Mumbai, Delhi, and Lucknow.

Roznama Sahara

Sahil Online

Based in Uttara Karnataka, India.

Hindustan Express (Delhi)

Kashmir Uzma (Srinagar)

Aurangabad Times (Maharashtra)


One of the Urdu-language daily newspapers in India. Avadhnama distributed in Lucknow, Aligarh, Faizabad, and Azamgarh.


Urdu daily newspapers published from Patna, Delhi, Bengaluru, Muzaffarpur, and Guwhati.

Siyasi Taqdeer (New Delhi)

Jadid Khabar (Delhi)

Hind Samachar (Chandigarh, Jammu, and Jalandhar)

Farooqui Tanzeem (Patna, Ranchi, and Delhi)

Anwar E Qaum (Kanpur, Lucknow, and Fatehpur)

Siyasi Ufuque (Delhi and Ranchi)

Hamara Maqsad (Delhi)

Saeban (Delhi, Bhopal, and Patna)

Aag (Lucknow)


Published in Urdu, English, Arabic, and Hindi.

Daily Salar

Aalmia Khbar

Roznama Asia Express (Aurangabad, Marathwada)

Udaan (Jammu and Kashmir)

Rehbar (Weekly)

Asia Times

Urdu news portal.

Daur-e-Jadeed (Delhi, Bihar, and Jharkhand)

Harpal online

Darbhanga Times

Roznama Urdu (Lucknow )

Teesri Duniya (Jammu)


2 thoughts on “List of all Urdu Newspapers in India Free Online”

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